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Student Name:
<05/19/2024, 06:34 am

Nonprescription Drug Dilemma
A patient comes to the drop-off window of the pharmacy with a new prescription for Prozac. While asking the patient for his address and telephone number he quickly asks if the prescription is very expensive. You look up the price and tell him that for 30 capsules it would be 62 dollars for the brand name or 47 dollars for the generic. The patient looks stunned and then tells you that he has no insurance and that there is no way he can afford to fill the prescription. He is about to leave when he notices your display of herbal drugs. He comes back to the window and asks you if he should try taking an herbal supplement like St. Johns Wort. He points to your shelf where a large hanger indicates that Nature Made Certified St. John's Wort is on sale for only 12 dollars for 100 tablets.